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Zhejiang Linan special welding electrode factory

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Specification: 3.2-4.0
Detail: Zhejiang linan special welding electrode factory was built in 1994, mainlly manufactures the following welding electrodes such as: 1:JNS steel welding electrode.= J427CrCuSb.This welding electrode is used in power plant...

Specification: 3.2-4.0
Detail: Zhejiang linan special welding electrode factory was built in 1994, mainlly manufactures the following welding electrodes such as: 1:JNS steel welding electrode.= J427CrCuSb.This welding electrode is used in power plant...

j427crcusb welding electrode
j427crcusb welding electrode
Specification: 3.2-4.0
Detail: Zhejiang linan special welding electrode factory was built in 1994, mainlly manufactures the following welding electrodes such as: 1:JNS steel welding electrode.= J427CrCuSb.This welding electrode is used in power plant...
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